Agaricus Augustus: The Prince of Mushrooms

Princes are tall, noble mushrooms with feathered, golden caps that have a square-ish, marshmallow-like shape when young. They often crop up twice in a season, and are considered choice edibles.

These beauties appeared in July along a sidewalk edged with ivy. We carefully pried them out of the ground, marveling at their long stems, and carried them home.

Click on a photo to open the gallery:

What would you do with such fresh, tender, aromatic mushrooms?

Click on a photo to open the gallery and see what we did.

About two months later, the same stretch of sidewalk revealed another crop. Unfortunately, they went unnoticed for a few days and were a little past their prime when we found them.

At the same time, this batch of Agaricus praeclaresquamosus showed up very nearby.
These are quite similar to the Prince, with scaly caps, brown gills and a ring around the stem. Two noticeable differences are their grey-brown cap and their distinctly phenolic scent, like a bottle of ink, or that paste/glue we all used in kindergarten, or perhaps asphalt/creosote. Oh, and quite poisonous. So three differences, then.

2 Replies to “Agaricus Augustus: The Prince of Mushrooms”

  1. Wonderful post, Keith and Aya! It’s truly incredible the stubborn hold nature has in urban settings, resulting in savoury treats such as the Prince of Mushrooms amongst the ivy beside a sidewalk. Of course, you’re probably the only ones strolling past to take heed.

    And thanks to you, I learned a new adjective: “phenolic”. I need to spend more time with mushrooms…
    – Rob

    1. Last year was a big one for mushrooms in and out of the city. We were certainly lucky to find these Princes so nearby and before anyone else did. I’ve added some examples of “phenolic” to make it clearer.

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