Ink 140

thick wet brushy texture

Ink 139: Set of 4

set of 4: broad wavy brush strokes

Ink 138: Set of 2

set of 2: wet and dry rolled drips

Ink 137: Set of 2

set of 2: wet noisy spots

Ink 134: Set of 3

set of 3: rectangular imprint patterns

Ink 132

wet scribble over ink wash

Ink 131: Set of 9

set of 9: large wet and dry overlaid brush strokes

Ink 125: Set of 4

set of 4 wet, blotchy, brushed rectangles

Ink 124

wet and dry textured irregular shape

Ink 123: Set of 3

set of 3 versions of three directional, wet, dark brush strokes

Ink 120: Set of 8

set of 8 wet rolled ink that kind of looks like mountains, or maybe islands

Ink 119: Set of 3

set of 3 wet, worn, creased, dark, rolled rectangles

Ink 118: Set of 2

set of 2 light, wet, patterned textures

Ink 115: Set of 3

set of 3 wet, blotchy circles and rectangles

Ink 114: Set of 3

set of 3 long, zig-zag drip lines

Ink 113: Set of 2

set of 2 short wet brush marks in checkerboard patterns

Ink 112

wet sprayed ink with drips and bleeds

Ink 111: Set of 4

set of 4 layered straight wet and dry brush strokes

Ink 109: Set of 8

set of 8 layered, washed wet ink splatter drops

Ink 108: Set of 11

set of 11 wet, layered blocks of brush marks