Ink 251
outlined shapes
Ink 245: Set of 3
wet scribbles
Ink 242: Set of 2
scraped lines
Ink 241: Set of 3
chalk shading
Ink 236: Set of 6
sprayed ink
Ink 234: Set of 5
soft rectangles
Ink 204: Set of 2
pencil scribbles
Ink 183
wet rolled ink
Ink 175: Set of 4
thick, rectangular layered wipes
Ink 170: Set of 6
set of 6: brushed wet rectangles
Ink 161
hard edged soft rectangles
Texture 149: Set of 2
set of 2: patterns of brick-shaped tile
Ink 136: Set of 4
set of 4: wet inky strips of dot patterns
Ink 135: Set of 4
set of 4: soft, fuzzy rolled rectangles
Ink 134: Set of 3
set of 3: rectangular imprint patterns
Ink 130: Set of 2
set of 2: rolled, rough black shapes with great edges
Ink 125: Set of 4
set of 4 wet, blotchy, brushed rectangles
Ink 119: Set of 3
set of 3 wet, worn, creased, dark, rolled rectangles
Ink 054
rough rectangles of dry dot patterns
Ink 049
black, rough, solid, scratched rectangle