Texture 251

 tiny pebbles

Texture 247: Set of 5

rough rock

Texture 246: Set of 3

ceramic disks

Texture 243: Set of 3

checkered stone

Texture 232: Set of 2

white pebbles

Texture 220: Set of 3

thin stone tiles

Texture 196: Set of 4

stone wall masonry

Texture 173: Set of 5

set of 5: cut stones in concrete

Ink 170: Set of 6

set of 6: brushed wet rectangles

Texture 153: Set of 3

set of 3: layers of marbled rock

Texture 144: Set of 5

set of 5: rough, cracked, stained stone

Texture 142: Set of 4

set of 4: small, colourful beach stones

Texture 105: Set of 4

set of 4 cracked, chipped sandstone rock faces

Texture 095: Set of 2

set of 2 rough mixed gravel and concrete floors

Texture 093: Set of 6

set of 6 old mossy gravestones with text and carvings

Texture 082: Set of 5

rough rectangular paving stones
set of 5

Texture 048

round, light, rough granite river stones

Texture 047

gritty, dirty, rough, grungy, light, dark stone

Texture 042

rough, chipped, small ceramic tiles

Texture 030

rough, cracked rocky cliff face