Ink 254: Set of 2

wet strokes

Ink 246: Set of 2

curved strokes

Texture 241: Set of 4

sand formations

Ink 219: Set of 4

wet and dry lines

Ink 172: Set of 7

set of 7: grungy wiped stripes

Ink 159: Set of 3

set of 3: wet zig-zag calligraphy strokes

Ink 155

looping, scribbled brush line

Ink 154: Set of 4

set of 4: curving, rough wiped lines

Ink 145: Set of 2

set of 2: wet and dry brush strokes

Ink 102: Set of 4

set of 4 thick, dry, curving brush strokes

Texture 100: Set of 5

set of 5 deep, curving groove patterns carved into mud

Ink 047

long, looping, curvy, rough, dry, scratchy brush strokes

Ink 015

dry, rough, wavy, short, inky brushstrokes