Heavy Skies at The Boulevard Café from May 19

Aya helped me install 26 pieces at The Boulevard Café at University of British Columbia on Monday. View Larger Map Click through to see more pics of the installation.

Album Art for John Galantis

I had the opportunity to adapt one of my Heavy Skies pieces (from Thirty Days Project, November 2012) into a piece for the new album from guitarist John Galantis. The album is called “For What Time I Have Left” and deals with maintaining hope in the face of  our inherent mortality. I’ll link to it […]

Opening at Robert Lynds Gallery

Many thanks to everyone who came out to the opening event last Thursday.

Sorry I forgot to take photos until almost everyone had gone!

Heavy Skies at Robert Lynds Gallery from February 20th

I’m very happy to announce that three of my Heavy Skies pieces have been selected by guest curator Michael Schwartz to show at Robert Lynds Gallery in Vancouver, starting on February 20.

Heavy Skies 09: High Traffic Security

Heavy Skies 09: High Traffic Security

Heavy Skies 08: Used For Simple Tasks

Heavy Skies 08: Used For Simple Tasks

Heavy Skies 07: Areas From Damage

Heavy Skies 07: Areas From Damage

Heavy Skies 06: The Way Bricks Don’t

Heavy Skies 06: The Way Bricks Don’t

Heavy Skies 05: Cracked Chevaliers

Heavy Skies 05: Cracked Chevaliers

Heavy Skies 04: The Way Bricks Don’t, Too

Heavy Skies 04: The Way Bricks Don’t, Too

Heavy Skies 03: Lifted Condensation Limit

Heavy Skies 03: Lifted Condensation Limit

Heavy Skies 02: Self-Supporting Structure

Heavy Skies 02: Self-Supporting Structure

Heavy Skies 01: Precast Lot Dividers

The first of nine posts showing the pieces I had on display in our recent show.

Two Interactive Views of Our Show at Kafka’s

Best comment on the show so far:

On Tuesday at about 9 in the morning, a 60-ish woman stumbled into the café and stood in front of my work for a brief moment before whirling onto the Kafka’s staff, who were busy with the morning rush, and hollering

“These guys are

Our Show at Kafka’s in Vancouver

We’re finishing up our work, getting ready to hang it tomorrow in time for the opening on Thursday, August 15. My pieces are all large-scale woodblock-style prints based on the “heavy sky” series I did during Thirty Days Project last November. Aya’s pieces are large, abstract works based on explorations from her Thirty Days Project […]