Différance 02

Even while working on the original Différance (50 cm x 50 cm), I felt that it would work as a much larger piece. Interestingly, it took a lot of trials before the surface looked right in this larger scale. The height variability of the smaller, original piece just did not translate successfully, but rather added […]


A sculptural painting that reads differently depending on which quality the viewer engages with (surface, colour, edge, line, absence, repetition, shadow, etc). Continuing my explorations into elemental oppositions. Here is a system of signs with no inherent absolute meaning, but with structural differences that draw meaning from reciprocal determination with other elements. The spaces are […]


A piece that came to me in a 3am vision.

Correction 001

Another in my Corrections series.

Applied Unity Series

Two pieces from my Applied Unity series.

Correction Series

Two small pieces in my Corrections series.

Abstract Expressionist Drawing 05

  Mu .8m x 1.2m 3′ x 4′) Acrylic and chalk on paper. Click through for two more.

Abstract Expressionist Drawing 04

Pleasure Relayed 1.2m x .8m (4′ x 3′) Acrylic and chalk on paper. Click through for two more.

Abstract Expressionist Drawing 03

Strong Language Acrylic on paper. 1.2m x 1.2m (4′ x 4′) Click through for one more.

Abstract Expressionist Drawing 01

A while ago we spent a week exploring abstract expressionist drawing. Here are two of my large-scale pieces.

Day 25: Black Ox (Triptych)

Black Ox Ink, gouache on paper. 11.5 x 17 cm (x 3) Buildings drawn with nib pen and ruler, which has its own set of challenges.

Day 02: Matmata Woman

Day 02: Matmata Woman Ink, digital edit.

The Eight: What Really Happened

The Eight: What Really Happened A new version of Day 06, with added ink.