“Block Print 2016” Opening Night 360

One last post related to my 2016 show: some great 360-degree video shot on opening night. Try dragging around to see the whole room while the video plays. Thanks to Ray at main411.ca for shooting this 360-degree video. And thanks again to Tim for having his music become the soundtrack to this video!

Solo Show of Block Prints at Kafka’s

I worked most of the summer preparing a collection of block prints and a large wallpaper installation for a solo show.
The show will be up until November 14th. Kafka’s Coffee And Tea is at 2525 Main Street in Vancouver, between Broadway and 10th.

Our Show at Kafka’s in Vancouver

We’re finishing up our work, getting ready to hang it tomorrow in time for the opening on Thursday, August 15. My pieces are all large-scale woodblock-style prints based on the “heavy sky” series I did during Thirty Days Project last November. Aya’s pieces are large, abstract works based on explorations from her Thirty Days Project […]


Poster for Outlet music night at Little Mountain Studios. Ink and digital paint.