Différance 02

Even while working on the original Différance (50 cm x 50 cm), I felt that it would work as a much larger piece. Interestingly, it took a lot of trials before the surface looked right in this larger scale. The height variability of the smaller, original piece just did not translate successfully, but rather added a complexity to the depth that overwhelmed the relational aspect of the units. With the heights under stricter control, there is more balance between the localized areas and the whole.

These photos were taken with studio lighting, quite different from the photos of Différance, but the colouring is in fact identical. I need a location large enough to take proper photos.

Read about Différance here.


Différance 02 (2021)

120 x 120 cm

acrylic and polystyrene on panel

One Comment on “Différance 02

  1.  by  Tim Gerwing

    I love the organic quality of this, Keith. Amazing how all these little pieces come together to become something that invites so much interest as a whole piece. The close up photos deliver quite a different experience than the one that contains the big picture.

    Also, I quite like the extra dramatic effect of the lighting.

    Nice one.

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